Whats the Difference Between the Wacom Intuos Drawing and Art Tablets?

Wacom is a make known for their high-quality drawing tablets at the upper end of nearly artists' budget. At the other stop of the scale, you take Huion, whose range attempts to fit a more than affordable price range.

Merely should you lot choose a Wacom tablet or Huion?

This guide compares and explains the differences between the 2 competitor brands. You'll then larn what to look out for in a tablet to pick one that all-time fits the way y'all like to draw.

But first, permit's compare some of Wacom'due south and Huion's most popular drawing tablets.


  • Huion H610 Pro vs Wacom Intuos
    • Size
    • Features
    • Stylus
    • Value For Money
    • Comparison Tabular array
  • Huion 1060 Plus vs Wacom Intuos
    • Size
    • Features
    • Stylus
    • Value For Money
    • Comparison Table
  • Huion KAMVAS Tablets vs Wacom Cintiq Tablets
  • How To Choose A Skilful Drawing Tablet
    • Size
    • Levels Of Pressure Sensitivity
    • Resolution (LPI)
    • Stylus Pens & Nibs
    • Pen Tilt
    • Multitouch
    • Express Keys
    • Bombardment & Connectivity
    • Drivers
    • Warranty & Support
    • Price
  • Drawing Tablet vs Cartoon Monitor
    • What is a drawing tablet and what are its benefits/drawbacks?
      • Benefits
      • Drawbacks
    • What is a drawing monitor and what are its benefits/drawbacks?
      • Advantages
      • Drawbacks
    • What is a Tablet Computer?
  • Final verdict: Which is better? Huion or Wacom?

Huion H610 Pro vs Wacom Intuos

huion vs wacom


Huion H610 Pro: x x six.25 inch.
Wacom Intuos: six.0 x 3.7 inch (minor) or 8.5 10 five.3 (medium).


Huion: viii express keys, 16 soft keys, rechargeable pen, compatible with Windows and Mac.
Wacom: Bluetooth, flex nibs, Pro Pen 2, software included (Corel Painter Essentials seven, Corel Aftershot Pro 3 and Clip Studio Pigment Pro), four express keys, multitouch.


Huion: Rechargeable stylus with 2048 levels
Wacom: Bombardment-free pen with 4096 levels of pressure level sensitivity.

Value For Money

Huion: Normally nether $100, the toll of Huion tablets is usually great value for money.
Wacom: Usually double Huion's cost, but does have extra features for the extra price.

Comparison Table

Huion 1060 Plus vs Wacom Intuos

Huion 1060p And Wacom Intuos Comparison


Huion 1060 Plus: 10 x 6.25 inch active area.
Wacom Intuos:  6.0 ten 3.vii inch (pocket-size) or 8.5 x 5.3 (medium).


Huion: Wired only, 8192 pen pressure levels, 5080 LPI, Newly Design Rechargeable Pen, 12 Shortcut Keys and 16 Softkeys.
Wacom: Bluetooth, flex nibs, software included (Corel Painter Essentials 7, Corel Aftershot Pro 3 and Prune Studio Pigment Pro), 4 express keys, multitouch.


Huion: Newly Blueprint Rechargeable Pen, with two buttons. 8GB built-in SD Bill of fare to assist you lot save your artwork, 8192 Levels of pressure sensitivity.
Wacom: Battery-free pen with 4096 levels of pressure sensitivity.

Value For Coin

Huion: Excellent value, coming in at under $100 for a good surface expanse and keen features.
Wacom: The small size Intuos does come up close price-wise but has a smaller pen brandish, whilst the medium size is over double the toll of the Huion 1060 Plus.

Comparison Table

Huion KAMVAS Tablets vs Wacom Cintiq Tablets

Huion Kamvas And Wacom Cintiq Comparison

Cintiq is the almost desired range from Wacom, featuring full HD displays in a wide diversity of substantial sizes, anti-glares, foldable stand up and some with multi-bear upon options.

The Wacom Cintiq range has splendid color accuracy, and can also exist upgraded to a Cintiq pro in some sizes. Information technology'due south about popular product is the Wacom Cintiq 16.

The Huion tablets offering of their KAMVAS range includes a range of features like pen tilt, large surface area, and extremely loftier levels of resolution. Huion KAMVAS range is often considered the perfect cintiq alternative for those who want to invest in a really skilful tablet but don't have the budget for a Wacom Cintiq model, such as the Wacom Cintiq 16.

How To Choose A Good Cartoon Tablet

Illustrator Using H610pro From Huion

Wacom and Huion accept an astounding array of different tablets, all with different specifications, sizes and properties, such as sensitivity levels, which can be overwhelming to run into. If you try to await outside of these tablets, such equally with the popular XP Pen make, there's even more pick.

However, not all of these will factor into an artists conclusion. Below we take a look at the nearly important aspects and features to look out for in your drawing tablet.


Surface surface area is e'er the defining characteristic on price, as it's what makes or breaks the user experience. This is why Wacom tablets and Huion have such a big multifariousness of sizes in their available products.

Wacom Intuos Pro A Slot Mobile

A smaller pen brandish with a compact surface expanse may piece of work all-time for more detailed projects such as photograph editing, as it's less probable that you'll demand to make broad strokes. However, tablets with a pocket-sized screen tin run into problems with Photoshop. Due to the small size, the software option tool can be difficult to work with, as it'south harder to select a pocket-sized, detailed expanse.

However, if you're a beginner, and on a await for a more affordable product, small drawing tablets can be the best way to save coin also as test your involvement in digital art.

If you lot are more experienced, you're going to want to cull from cartoon tablets with a bigger active expanse for drawing. This may feel less confining as you lot will run out of drawing space a lot less.

Huion Drawing Tablet Variations

Most Wacom and Huion devices connect to another monitor. This means you lot're likewise going to want to consider what device yous're connecting it to. Matching screen sizes with the monitor volition allow for ease of use, unlike a graphics tablet where yous can depict right onto the screen.

Both Wacom and Huion offer a broad range of differently sized products, therefore Wacom and Huion are equal here.

Levels Of Pressure Sensitivity

Drawing tablets are pressure level-sensitive; just similar a existent pencil or brush, the pressure y'all use on the device with the stylus volition make up one's mind how your strokes look. However, different tablets will offer different levels of sensitivity in their digital pen which can impact how it feels to draw.

Pen Brush Strokes

The Wacom vs Huion fence is negligible here, as both Wacom and Huion tablets have at least 2048 levels of pen pressure sensitivity. However, newer tablets have at least 8192 levels of pen pressure sensitivity, and pressure levels are always a good marking of a quality product for artists.

Resolution (LPI)

The resolution on a graphic tablet is different from how nosotros imagine it with tablets similar the IPad Pro and Samsung Galaxy, that offer different features likewise drawing. Resolution is measured in how many Lines Per Inch (LPI) the pen volition pick up, which tin be very influential for how you draw equally an artist.

huion tablet artworkArtwork from Mediabang

The LPI tells y'all how many digital lines fit into i inch of the tablet'south concrete screen. Simply put: the more LPI, the more detailed your drawing volition be. For almost artists, 1270 LPI volition exist plenty detail to capture your projects accordingly.

Wacom and Huion do differ in this sector, but both of their pen resolutions starting ranges are high enough for the majority of artists. For their toll, a huion drawing tablet is particularly good for pen resolution.

Stylus Pens & Nibs

The stylus is often considered one of the nearly of import parts of display tablets for artists, with active, battery-costless pens beingness the most popular manner currently. Battery-free pens, common with Wacom tablets, are more durable, reliable and easy-to-use. They use inductive electric current from the tablet's surface to power the digital pen.

Wacom graphics tablets have a full line of bombardment-gratuitous pens, however, Huion includes them only with their KAMVAS tablets.

Drawing Tablets Stylus Pens Variations

Pen Nibs are another component of the stylus feature. Replaceable tips of the pen that wear downwards over fourth dimension, pen nibs not existence replaced can harm your tablet'south drawing surface, so it's worth knowing how to replace them. Both Huion and Wacom throw in additional pen nibs with their tablets which should allow y'all to comfortably draw for years downwardly the line.

Wacom tablets likewise offer dissimilar styles of nibs, which is unique to their products, offering flex nibs (which are softer plastic) and felt. This was designed by Wacom to make an easy transition for artists used to traditional tools, such as brushes and markers, to Wacom drawing tablets.

A stylus tin can as well feature different ways to erase work, with Wacom tablets offering the Intuos Pro and Cintiq Pro line including a pen that tin be used just like a normal pencil eraser for a more than intuitive, natural erasing motion.

Wacm Pen Stylus Parts

Other models, including Huion, allow you to program what push button on the pen to adapt to an erasing mode, or to choose brush size. It comes down to personal preference which style y'all would rather use, with both like shooting fish in a barrel to get used to.

Both Wacom and Huion offer a pen holder within their pen display tablet package.

Pen Tilt

This additional feature, seen less in some of the more than budget display tablets, tin make all the difference if your work involves calligraphy or shading. Tilt support allows the stylus to work even more similar traditional tools. This ways that when the stylus is tilted, graphics tablets recognise and adapt to the management and thickness of the line accordingly.

Pen Titlt Smoothness Test For KamvasImage Source

Both Wacom and Huion graphics tablets back up this characteristic, only only in specific stylus lines. Wacom'southward Pro Pens that come with the Intuos Pro and Cintiq model, for instance, and Huion'south KAMVAS pen line, and and so it is worth looking out for.


Multitouch is a feature known to most who use smart technology, every bit it allows graphics tablets to recognize more than one bespeak of contact.

This allows you lot to use ii fingers to pinch and zoom, or to rotate your canvas. Although these tasks tin can also be performed with the programmable buttons that most pen tablets offer, or on your keyboard.

Multi Touch For Drawing Tablet

Multitouch is offered by Wacom beyond their Intuos Pro and Cintiq lines, whilst Huion tablets practise non offer it. Although this is a squeamish characteristic, it's not the most important cistron when deciding on a tablet. The price Huion offers may tempt you to leave this feature backside.

Express Keys

Express keys are incredibly mutual in drawing tablets every bit the programmable buttons are useful for customizing shortcuts such every bit Undo, Save and Zoom.

The divergence ordinarily comes in how many buttons they provide, with bigger tablets assuasive for more than buttons which tin brand workflow easier if y'all're constantly using your cartoon tablet.

Express Keys For Wacom Drawing Tablets

All of Wacom models offering these buttons, with Wacom's Intuos Pro adding a Bear upon Ring which tin can permit you to zoom in and out by sliding your finger around the cycle. Huion likewise offers express keys in all but one of their tablets – the Huion 420.

Placement will exist some other thing to consider, as this will depend on how you like to work as an artist, with some tablets offering ergonomic placement to reduce hand strain.

Battery & Connectivity

Drawing Tablt Battery And Connectivity

Bombardment and Connectivity is another big thing to consider with cartoon tablets. You lot will accept the option of wireless connectivity, using a rechargeable battery for ability, or wired to the computer.

If you plan to just work at a desk, a wired model will piece of work fine for you. However, if as an creative person you spend a lot of time working away from a desk-bound or reduce the number of cables you take, wireless may be a ameliorate pick.

The Wacom pen that comes with the Intuos model works with Bluetooth to create a wireless feel, whilst Huion's wireless technique means you volition have to plug in a USB adapter.


A device driver is a estimator program that translates between a piece of hardware and an operating system. If y'all apply your tablet without a commuter, the operating system may see it as a mouse, which will reduce its capacity for some of the features.

A driver will differ from unlike providers, and so there's good reason to wait at the reviews to see how convenient they are.

Warranty & Support

Warranty is something you should exist looking out for when investing in a drawing tablet. Wacom's Pro models come up with a two-year warranty, whilst most other tablets, including other Wacom products and Huion, accept a 1-twelvemonth warranty.

Drawing Tablet Warranty Agreements

Client service support is some other cardinal feature, peculiarly if yous're new to being an artist digitally, as you will desire to exist able to access support if something goes wrong.

Huion offers back up via email, Skype or conversation, however but operates during working hours in Cathay Standard Fourth dimension, and so you may have to wait a long time to get support depending on where you lot are in the world.

Wacom, however, has client service via telephone for almost countries besides as 24/vii online support.


Price is probably the become-to feature that anybody looks at first. Yous tin can notice a deviation betwixt Huion and Wacom in this area immediately.

Huion offer very reasonably priced tablets because their groovy performance, whilst Wacom offer tablets which are double or fifty-fifty triple Huion's offering.

It all comes downwards to what features y'all intend to use and whether it'due south worth investing more on features that may come in handy to you, such as 24/7 customer support, multitouch, and wireless tablets.

Cartoon Tablet vs Drawing Monitor

What is a drawing tablet and what are its benefits/drawbacks?

A drawing tablet, also known equally a cartoon pad, is a tablet that allows artists to work in a digital form. Most of the tablet will be made up of a sensitive affect or surface where people tin draw with a stylus, just information technology has to be continued to a monitor for it to piece of work. It tin can also be known as a drawing pad. Other popular brands as well Wacom and Huion include XP Pen.

Drawing Tablet Advantages And Drawbacks


  • Accessible: The benefits of this blazon of pen tablet are that it'southward very elementary and piece of cake to utilise. There is lots of room for beginners who practise non know anything about Photoshop, Illustrator or other graphics software, to adapt and learn with this kind of device. It y'all are new to digital art, I recommend you check out our list of free cartoon programs y'all can use.
  • Transferable: By using a drawing tablet, you lot are connecting it to your desktop or calculator device and therefore software that you already utilize links to your figurer – and is free to use. There is also the pick that because you are using your calculator, yous can share your artwork apace and easily which is great for the professional artist.
  • Similarity: This type of tablet attempts to emulate the feel of cartoon on paper, which means that information technology's easy to adapt and get used to and may feel familiar.
  • No restriction: A newspaper has limited utilize, which can not only exist frustrating for mistakes but can be unfriendly for the environment. With digital art, you are saving on paper waste, as well as giving yourself more than liberty to make mistakes.


  • Feels unnatural at first. If yous have never used a drawing pad, it might feel weird sketching on your tablet, while looking at the screen. At first, it feels unnatural, only you lot volition apace develop the hand eye coordination and pick it upwardly quickly.

What is a drawing monitor and what are its benefits/drawbacks?

A drawing monitor allows you to draw straight on to the screen, without being continued to a monitor, and can sometimes be referred to as a pen display tablet, or graphics tablet.

Dependent on the model, some drawing monitors can run the same software as a drawing tablet, only it may non be every bit advanced due to the smaller processing power of a drawing monitor.

Drawing Monitor Benefits And Drawbacks


  • Visibility: A drawing monitor is perfect to see what you are drawing on the screen. There is full visibility, which can brand it easier for beginners who may struggle with having to describe whilst looking at some other screen. This makes it faster to adapt to.
  • Skilful levels of software: Equally the cartoon monitor has taken the art market by tempest, most companies take upgraded their software to match the rising demand. This ways that drawing monitors oft come up with actually good software included in their price, which may suit a beginner who's new to digital drawing.


  • Limited Keys: Near cartoon monitors do not have express keys, as all the work is done on the tablet screen, which tin can be specially frustrating for those used to brands like Wacom and Huion which feature express keys.
  • Expense: These are frequently much more expensive than a drawing tablet.

What is a Tablet Reckoner?

Tablet computers are small, flat computers with touch screens that are between a volume and a magazine in size. They're similar large versions of a smartphone, ofttimes with pen displays similar to Samsung products. They aim to combine the features of a desktop with that of tablets.

Kyle Interview ProcreateImage Source

The virtually popular tablet computers are the Apple iPad Pro and the Samsung Galaxy Tab, who has at present expanded to include being able to use their tablets as a cartoon monitor, and it is one of the key draws for both companies. These tablet computers often feature total HD resolution which is great for watching movies, or playing games.

Android tablets specifically have a broad range of drawing monitors to choose from. These have similar benefits and drawbacks to the tablet monitor except they, unlike the Wacom cartoon tablet or Huion tablets, tin can also be used to connect to the net, play games, sentinel movies. As such, these are often much more expensive, and a beginner  may not want to pay this price.

Final verdict: Which is ameliorate? Huion or Wacom?

The Wacom drawing tablet has had longer to refine and hone their drivers within their screen tablet products. This, along with their features and design, mean they have a lot of extra capabilities that Huion's graphics tablet products practise not yet offer.

If these features appeal to you lot, and you lot're not on a budget, yous should look to the Cintiq range, such as the Cintiq 16, or even the Wacom Cintiq Pro. These Wacom upgrades come with a lot of unlike size options as well as full Hard disk drive brandish; Wacom cartoon is incredibly popular for good reason.

Huion, still, is the all-time overall pick when comparing Wacom vs Huion. This is considering  that their college range products feature like specs to Wacom products.

Huion likewise includes some of the desirable features – with tilt function beingness peculiarly sought subsequently – and combines this with an affordable price. For artists, Wacom still makes an incredibly pen display tablet, but Huion drawing has the overall border with its lower price.

If I had to choose my favourite Huion tablet, it would be the Huion KAMVAS Pro 16.

Pinterest Huion Vs Wacom


Source: https://artignition.com/huion-vs-wacom/

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