Is X Out of Jail Again


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Jean Paul is a character role-played past xQcOW.


"When you ride similar lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder."
― Jean Paul

Jean Paul is a widely known criminal mastermind in the city of Los Santos. Going past his customary alias "X", he is famous for being a criminal pioneer and being the commencement at cracking most of the heists existing in the city. He is often involved with serial banking concern robbing, gang activities, and long term terroristic conflicts confronting the United Police Department. Known equally an individual quick to anger and pull the trigger, Jean Paul has congenital up an infamous and formidable reputation as i of the most capable criminals in all of Los Santos history.


Jean Paul is a tall French-Canadian man with brusque blond hair. Due to his constant interest with a lot of crime that occurs in Los Santos, he is hands recognizable by his signature blonde hair and distinctive emphasis. Every bit a result, he often wears masks fifty-fifty outside of crime, changing his hairstyle and outfit multiple times a twenty-four hour period in order to remain underground.

He typically wears eccentric suits in club to maintain his high-grade reputation as a criminal mastermind such equally when attempting a new large-scale heist. They are usually flashy wearable with colorful and unique patterns. These outfits, such as his Chips Outfit, oftentimes get signature looks for Jean Paul'southward criminal persona, with other criminals like Yuno Sykk replicating them in his award.

In less coincidental situations, he tends to go for more natural and darker colors in order to not stand out. He often goes for monochrome outfits, particularly tan, brown, or blackness suits. As of recently, Jean Paul'southward outfit of selection has been a dark-brown suit with a dark-brown rabbit mask.


"When you do jobs with me, you buy loyalty. I will always pick you up. I will practice everything I tin."
― Jean Paul

Jean Paul, as an individual, is both larger and louder than life. He is widely known equally an big-headed and short-tempered individual, often resorting to crude and snide insults when things do non become his manner. His arrogance comes from his extensive history and experience of being the front runner for crime besides as his ability to effortlessly escape from depository financial institution jobs and consequences. Due to his unpleasant experiences with gangs and police enforcement since solar day one, Jean Paul is often unwilling to give the benefit of the incertitude to people who meddle with his criminal business concern. This has resulted in both police officers and other criminals alike to be incredibly wary effectually the hot-headed man knowing their life could be over in the blink of an eye just because he felt like it.

His main motivation in the city is being the first and being the best, no matter what goal he has in mind. Jean Paul is seen active in the urban center at all hours of the day, grinding materials and money every bit well every bit solving riddles and preparing for heists. He is an incredibly competitive person, fully trusting himself to complete every objective he has in mind. When plans stop up going wrong whether or not due to his deportment, Jean Paul by and large tries to observe excuses to button the arraign onto external factors. He also has a revengeful nature , either the or criminals or fifty-fifty the largest of gangs , he is always willing to take action confronting those who wronged him or his friends with at present matter how the consequences could exist making him i of the most unpredictable and revered characters in the metropolis.

As an individual, Jean Paul speaks much faster than he tin can think, having to repeat himself multiple times in club to get his point across. His closest friends who have spent the almost time with him, such as Yuno Sykk and Marty Banks, oft joke about existence his translator, every bit they have been able to translate his energetic mumbling for others. Despite his reputation equally an impatient fool, he always has high free energy and is willing to put in the time to try things over and over and over over again in order to succeed. Considering of how differently his brain works in comparison to others, Jean Paul is able to come up with ridiculous nevertheless ingenious plans and solutions to problems no one else would accept figured out otherwise.

One aspect of Jean Paul that occasionally plagues him is the voices. An entity that has never been fully explained, he claims that over a hundred thousand "voices" in his caput tell him to feed to the Kraken and the Dragon. In the hopes of appeasing them and preventing the oncoming tsunami, he ofttimes sacrifices police cars to the respective creature. Another i of his titles "ghost rider" comes from his tendency to end up in high-speed chases with the PD in attempts to "break the sound barrier." He claims that beingness the "ghost rider" is an ideal and an image in his head in which he has to go as fast as he can to become 1 with it.

As a criminal, Jean Paul acts equally a lone wolf about of the fourth dimension, using whatever and all criminal or legal connections to achieve his current goals. Due to non having much concern for his actions or life, he is not agape to become up against even the largest of gangs in Los Santos nor the entire Los Santos Police Department on his ain. Despite not winning all of his battles, others have come to respect him due to his conclusion and confidence to stand up against established groups. While Jean Paul does not hesitate to badger big organizations, he rarely goes out of his fashion to rob other criminals and civilians, as co-ordinate to him, "why rob a person when you tin rob a banking concern." This internal policy of his mostly does not apply to gang members he is currently waging war against or members of the PD, on duty or off duty. He frequently exchanges criminal intel amidst gangs and other individuals to expand his knowledge on the bank systems and drug game.

Even as a long time denizen of Los Santos, Jean Paul claims to just care about himself, and his actions throughout his time in the city proves this to exist truthful a vast bulk of the fourth dimension. He has just a little hesitation when information technology comes to countering his enemies' and allies' bank robberies alike if it means he will benefit from it. Even so, ane of his greatest strengths (and fatal flaws) is Jean Paul's loyalty to those who participate in heists with him. Frequently existence the individual carrying loot, he is hands able to evade pursuing officers and stash his portion of the loot, especially when given a Sanchez. Unlike others who may surrender when their crew is captured, Jean Paul near feels a moral obligation to rescue his fellow allies, constantly asking for updates on their position. He even goes as far equally to put himself in danger of being tazed and captured to save allies who accept already been arrested or being transported to the infirmary. Equally a result, Jean Paul expects the aforementioned corporeality of dedication and delivery from others, becoming resentful towards those he believes are not contributing every bit much as they could.

Because of his erratic personality, people often question Jean Paul'southward moral compass and deportment. He is ruthless when information technology comes to robbing banks and attempting to murder his enemies and law enforcement. He often enjoys surprise grenades and shootouts, giving his opponent little to no fourth dimension to fix against his attack. And while he feels apologetic for killing officers who have shown him kindness and respect in the past, Jean Paul considers them as part of the enemy for being role of police force enforcement. On the other hand, he is unwilling to permit his crew, friends, or family be collateral or be caught during whatever heist, stressing the importance of everyone getting out or they all neglect. He won't hesitate to scam people for their coin when he gets the opportunity, only he will give coin and supplies away to others unprompted if he feels every bit though they deserve more than what they inquire for.


Jean Paul was built-in on Nov 17th, 1995 in Laval, Quebec. Even before moving to the city, he already had a notorious reputation for beingness incredibly volatile. Despite this, few would e'er directly face him nearly such rumors and as a result, not much is truly known about his past earlier moving to Los Santos. These rumors may accept been true as the homo already knew about robbing houses to make money and working to go out of prison house faster on his first 24-hour interval.

While little is known most his parents or upbringing, Jean Paul currently has three known siblings. Jean-Pierre Baptiste was his older one-half-brother who came to the city years prior to his own arrival. He simply recently constitute about his brother's suicide through untold means. Pierre Paul is his older blood brother who followed him to the city of Los Santos shortly afterwards. Due to Pierre'southward ambitions in the PD, 10 was unable to alive up to his expectations, causing him to abound resentment towards his brother. Jolie Paul is his younger sister who decided to settle in the city after hearing her brother Jean Paul was living there. Despite having minimal contact previous to their reunion in Los Santos, the two of them seemed to accept like mindsets particularly when it came to law-breaking.

When arriving on his first day, Jean Paul barely had anything to his name, only the clothing on his back and an empty duffel pocketbook. He was incredibly skittish, not entirely sure how to insert himself into the already established dynamics of the city. When he tried speaking at first, it seemed as though the words wouldn't come up out, having to cough and reset his railroad train of idea.

Despite his knowledge of how to do law-breaking, Jean Paul made a promise to himself on his first day in Los Santos (and the voices in his head) that he would not commit any crimes or meet police. This was due to the fact that he believed he would be able to gamble money at the Casino to get rich quicker, but as well because he did not want to become to jail then soon. This mindset would quickly modify that day after his multiple encounters with the law forth with arrest post-obit an unfortunate crash mid-chase.


Jean Paul'south Vehicle Log
Image Description
  • Current

  • Original

Jean Paul - Sultan RS (Updated 2-14-22).png

Jean Paul - Sultan RS.png

Model Name: Sultan RS

After getting a 1M$ loan from Fast Loans and paying 1283 GNE, Jean Paul bought the Sultan RS from the Tuner Shop on Feb 13, 2022. This vehicle is currently parked.

License Plate X09273TW
Condition Owned (LOAN)
  • Electric current

  • Original

Jean Paul - Penumbra FF.png

Jean Paul - Penumbra FF Original.png

Model Proper name: Penumbra FF

On October 12, 2021, 10 received a call that the Penumbra FF, a car he had his eyes on, was now restocked. Despite his annoyance at the at present $200k cost tag, he purchased information technology, telling himself he would resell it later. This vehicle is currently parked.

License Plate 2KE9NEIM
Status Owned
Jean paul's - McLaren 720s Spider.png

Model Proper noun: McLaren 720s Spider

On February 24, 2022, Tony received a Due south+ boost that was the McLaren 720s, a car that 10 had his eyes on, and tried to get 2 times simply failed. wanting to make x happy he Maria and the Cleanboys set fourth to Vin scratch it and then make it a legal vehicle that x can take as a personal car to drive legally. This vehicle is currently parked.

License Plate 65IQ0723
Status Vin scratch soon owned
  • Current

  • Original

Jean Paul Vehicle - Burrito.png

Jean Paul - Burrito Original.png

Model Name: Burrito

Ten purchased this vehicle from an individual near apartments on Jan thirty, 2022. It is used to store illegal items X typically uses/acquires during his heists such as weed, dongles, guns, and bills. This vehicle is currently parked at the Apartments.

License Plate 75IK4QK3
Status Bought
Jean Paul - XLS.png
Model Name: XLS

X obtained this vehicle with witnesses around Jan 26, 2022. This vehicle was used to aid in banking concern heists. This vehicle was seized and impounded.

License Plate C45D21MF
Status SEIZED VIN Scratch
Model Name: Vagrant

This vehicle is currently parked.

License Plate 7B5CM4IU7
Condition VIN Scratch
Jean Paul Seashark 1L87HUJ3.png
Model Name: Seashark

Bought for maneuverability later on the PD boats received acme speed changes to friction match Tropic (common boat used past criminals)

Most recently used during the last successful Casino Heist.

This vehicle is currently parked.

License Plate 1L87HUJ3
Status ?
Model Name: Seashark

Bought for maneuverability afterwards the PD boats received top speed changes to match Tropic (common gunkhole used by criminals) This vehicle is currently parked.

License Plate 5K5459S1
Condition ?
Model Name: Seashark

Bought for maneuverability after the PD boats received top speed changes to friction match Tropic (mutual boat used by criminals) This vehicle is currently parked.

License Plate L3RQ3PJ6
Status ?
Model Name: Tropic

Bought for being one of the fastest-low cost which can concord upward to 4 people. This vehicle is currently impounded.

License Plate DWR661V6
Condition ?
Jean Paul - Enduro.png
Model Name: Enduro

Mountain cycle for ibex purposes This vehicle is currently impounded.

License Plate 3V58VBHU
Status ?
Jean Paul - Bodhi.png
Model Name: Bodhi

Jean Paul bought information technology on impulse to shop thermite from Carmella Corset. Currently used to shop guns and thermite due to excessive amounts of inked bags in apartments. This vehicle is currently impounded.

License Plate V2ER015D
Status ?
Model Name: Faggio Sport

This vehicle is currently impounded.

License Plate 4JP7KBXY
Status ?
Model Name: Sultan MK II

After getting a 160k loan from Marlo Stanfield, Jean Paul now owns a Sultan MK.two (Sultan Classic) for the toll of $207,000. He afterwards modified his Sultan with Dean Watson and Cassie Cupcake. Jean Paul sold his Sultan MK II to Marlo Stanfield to articulate his stacking debt. The Sultan MK Two now belongs to Fiona Stewart. Current owner Randy Bullet

License Plate 3T8753EP
Condition SOLD
Model Name: Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-iv Superveloce

After getting a 700k loan from Marlo Stanfield and trading 4 inked bags to Lang Buddha for 200k, he finally buys his Lambo. Jean Paul was unable to pay his weekly loan from Marlo Stanfield, so he sold the Lamborghini to Marlo for 1 meg dollars and cleared his debt.

License Plate F3E2POS5
Condition SOLD
Model Proper name: Ninja ZX10R

Bought from Sofia Castellano for $50k upfront and $10k per week until a total of $100k has been reached. This vehicle was seized and impounded.

License Plate 3FRVO236
Status SEIZED VIN Scratch
Model Name: Ninja ZX10R

Vin scratch contract was given by Sofia Castellano, the claret of 5 cows lies on this wheel (MonkaW) . This vehicle was seized and impounded.

License Plate 64CLCC8C
Status SEIZED VIN Scratch
Jean Paul - Adder.png
Model Proper noun: Adder

This vehicle was seized and impounded.

License Plate CWUSIW7R
Status SEIZED VIN Scratch
Jean Paul - Guardian.png
Model Name: Guardian

X received this motorcar in a contract early on Jan 2022. Upon discovering the vehicle'due south potential usefulness, he decided to VIN scratch it. This vehicle was seized and impounded.

License Plate 27ROB289
Condition SEIZED VIN Scratch
Jean Paul - Brioso.png
Model Name: Brioso 300

This vehicle was seized and impounded.

License Plate S5S8R7HF
Status SEIZED VIN Scratch
Jean Paul - Dune.png
Model Name: Dune

Upon receiving the contract on January 16, 2022, X was immediately interested in vin-scratching. The vehicle was able to explode cars that information technology drove over, reaching speeds of 150. This vehicle was seized and impounded post-obit an arrest.

License Plate 3X3H1R5R
Status SEIZED VIN Scratch

Agile Storylines

  • Later on his return from the Bahamas and his journey in the purple country Jean Paul returned and started recruiting investors for his X-coin. Multiple Burger Shot employees invested in small amounts, some PD members similar Sam Baas and William Gunner besides invested, however his biggest investors were Dean Watson and Leslie Lingberg.
    • Leslie invested in the status that if he didn't become a return-on-investment Jean Paul would be sent to the mines.
    • Jean Paul has recently found a mode to "mine X-coin" all the same its uses and possibility to convert a X-coin dorsum to money is unknown.
  • Since his return, Jean Paul has invested all his time and coin into learning the new security changes for all banks in Los Santos. Due to this investment and with the impressive hacking skills of Marty Banks he has successfully completed multiple yacht and vault heists.
    • The profits from these heists are to fund his tuner automobile.

On his first day dorsum he reunited with Lang Buddha, who did multiple jobs together along with Tony Corleone and Yuno Sykk before his trip to the Bahamas, to find that Lang had been out of the heist game for a while due to their main hacker (Yuno) taking some time off the metropolis

  • Before his trip to the Bahama islands Jean Paul had intentions to start an unnamed business, in this phone telephone call with Cassie Cupcake he had the idea to install fans in warehouses to dry meth, weed and big inked coin numberless faster. She was willing to assistance him with the business programme but this was curt brusque due to the trip to the Bahamas.
    • This idea has non been pursused since his return to the city.
Played By: XQcOW
Characters: Jean Paul • Pierre Paul • Norm Andy • Jean-Pierre Baptiste†


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